English: Political Spectrum Chart (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
European Political Spectrum (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Far be it for me to sing the praises of normalcy. I would view my life and upbringing to be rather outside what mainstream
public opinion would consider to be "usual". Take a look at my rather eclectic biography - born to an animal circus family, working in the
wild animal film industry, martial arts/self-protection teacher, co-promoter of the UK's extreme pro
wrestling promotion, professional performer, writer and so on - and you will see a rather eccentric back-story. My life is also full of paradoxes and contradictions. My tastes vary wildly and without any sense of pattern or rhythm, which is a bit like my attempt at dancing or conversation. I have never tried to belong to anything, but often seen movements to be temporary means to an end. Even "my people", the circus people, live very different lives to me and have done so since I was seven years old. My political ideas are also pretty varied too and I have long hated the left/right compass that many people build into their minds. It creates glaring cognitive blind-spots and strikes a very obvious comparison with fundamental religiosity. From the barely veiled bigotry and paranoia of UKIP to the cartoonish trendy Communism of Russell Brand, I think the individual should be wary.